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The poem Ismália from Alphonsus Guimaraens was the inspiration for this collage work.
Below, I present it in its original language (Portuguese) and an English translation, made to the best of my knowledge. In this project I try to capture the beauty, darkness and melancholy in which the character is inserted. I was deeply touched by these words from the first time I heard them.

Ismália: Text
Ismália: Gallery


Alphonsus de Guimaraens

Ismália: Text

(Portuguese - original)

Quando Ismália enlouqueceu

Pôs-se na torre a sonhar

Viu uma lua no céu

Viu outra lua no mar

No sonho em que se perdeu

Banhou-se toda em luar

Queria subir ao céu

Queria descer ao mar

E num desvario seu

Na torre pôs-se a cantar

Estava perto do céu

Estava longe do mar

E como um anjo pendeu

As asas para voar

Queria a lua do céu

Queria a lua do mar

As asas que Deus lhe deu

Ruflaram de par em par

Sua alma subiu ao céu

Seu corpo desceu ao mar

(English translation)

When Ismalia went crazy

In the tower she put herself to dream

She saw a moon in the sky

She saw a moon in the sea

In the dream where she got lost

Bathed herself all in moonlight

She wanted to get to the sky

She wanted to get to the sea

And lost in her madness

In the tower she started to sing

She was close to the sky

She was far from the sea

And as an angel she hung

the wings to fly

She wanted the moon in the sky

She wanted the moon in the sea

The wings given by God

Roared from pair to pair

Her soul ascended to the sky

Her body descended to the sea

Poem by the Brazilian poet Alphonsus de Guimaraens (1870 - 1921), published in his lyrical book “Pastoral aos crentes do amor e da morte” (free translation: “Pastoral to the Believers of Love and Death"), in 1923. Poem from the series “As Canções” (free translation: The Songs).

Ismália: CV
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